How to maximize the benefits of Invisalign

How to maximize the benefits of Invisalign

The Straight Talk Blog   Clear Smiles

Our expert orthodontists and team at Clear Smiles understand the value of a beautiful smile! Clear Smiles is delighted to offer state-of-the-art treatments to effectively straighten your teeth with Invisalign! With clinics conveniently located in Dallas and Houston, Clear Smiles is proud to offer state-of-the-art treatments to successfully straighten your teeth with Invisalign!

As Invisalign clear braces become a more popular alternative to traditional metal braces, it’s critical for all of our Invisalign patients to make the most of their treatment, guaranteeing healthy, straight teeth that are both sparkling and attractive! Our team has created a list of 10 tips and strategies for the most successful Invisalign treatment:

The 48-Hour Rule

Wear each aligner tray as much as possible for the first 48 hours of your Invisalign treatment! For the first two days, our Clear Smiles orthodontists recommend just removing your trays to brush your teeth, with the goal of getting them back into place as soon as possible. For correct treatment throughout your teeth straightening process, the early step of Invisalign is critical.

 22 Hours-A-Day Keeps Crooked Teeth Away

Unlike traditional braces which are bonded to your teeth and cannot be removed, Invisalign only works if you wear your trays for most of the day. Invisalign patients must wear their trays for at least 20-22 hours per day to achieve fast, accurate results.

Changing Your Aligners at the Appropriate Time

It’s time to change your aligner tray if our doctors say it’s time! For most patient, aligners are changed every 7 days, but our orthodontist may recommend longer or short durations depending on the tooth movement being performed. Do not attempt to rush through your treatment or change quicker than the recommended intervals because you think it will speed up your treatment time. This can have negative effects on your treatment and overall oral health. Patience is essential when using Invisalign!

How to Overcome Strange Feelings

Most Invisalign patients report feeling their aligners pushing on their teeth during the first few days of treatment. While they may be a little uncomfortable at first, Invisalign aligners are not painful and grow less apparent as time goes on. You’ll get used to your trays faster if you stick to the 22-hour-a-day limit rather than continuously taking them in and out.

Invisalign Trays and Conversation

When you initially put your new Invisalign trays in, you may notice a tiny lisp in your speech. Similar to the unusual feelings of the trays at first, the more you wear them and practice speaking in them, the faster your lisp will disappear.

Utilizing Invisalign Attachments

Our orthodontists at Clear Smiles use what they call “attachments” on most cases. These attachments are used to keep aligners in place or to help achieve certain tooth movements. These tooth-colored attachments are nearly invisible to the naked eye, but they are crucial to successful tooth movement and help your treatment progress faster.

Taking Extra Care of Your Mouth

With the opportunity to remove your Invisalign aligners at any moment, it’s critical to brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis. Your saliva will not be able to naturally wash away any germs left behind when your aligners are forced tightly on your teeth, resulting in undesired bacteria build-up directly on the enamel of your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly after each meal will help you maintain good oral hygiene and avoid plaque, tartar, and cavities during your Invisalign treatment.

Keeping Your Aligners in Good Shape

It’s important to clean your Invisalign trays correctly every time you take them out. Dry saliva and plaque are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria that produce bad odors. Keeping your aligners clean and sterilized can be as simple as soaking them in denture cleanser, using Retainer Brite, or using the official Invisalign cleaning crystals.

You can also use a clear, antibacterial gentle soap to clean your aligners. Clear, antibacterial soap is a great, low-cost method to keep your aligners clean, fresh, and free of hazardous bacteria. Cleaning your aligners with toothpaste is not recommended since it will damage the plastic and produce bacteria breeding grounds inside your aligners.

Drinking Plenty of Water

It’s essential to drink plenty of water when wearing your Invisalign trays. Your mouth will sense that something alien is present, leading you to generate a lot of excess saliva and become dehydrated rapidly, much like with regular braces.

Using Your Invisalign Trays Post-Treatment

After completing their Invisalign treatment, some patients want to stop using their trays entirely, which means they may lose some of their progress. By according to post-care recommendations precisely, you can ensure that your Invisalign treatment will continue to perform correctly over time.

Make an appointment with your local Invisalign specialists in Dallas and Houston!

At Clear Smiles, our orthodontists will show you how to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment.  If you follow these 10 tips and tricks, we are sure that Invisalign will help you get the results you want. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today if you have any questions or concerns about how to properly use and care for Invisalign.

Ready to start your Invisalign journey?

If you’re interested in learning more about Invisalign, book your free consultation. You heard it from our Clear Smiles orthodontists… Invisalign is convenient, natural-looking, and efficient for anyone looking for a positive change.

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